THINGS eBazaar® Smart Factory

Together with four other startups, TEGnology’s CEO Hao Yin presented as a speaker during the Things eBazaar event. Hao explained why we should, and how we could “Rethink Power Supply for Future IoT”, in terms of enabling process monitoring, predictive maintenance and process safety – all within the concept of Smart Factory. 
The video record will soon be available on THINGS’ YouTube channel. We thank the THINGS’ team and EFESO Consulting for organizing the event.

Photo: Poster of THINGS eBazaar Smart Factory online event.

Partnership with e-peas in Belgium

TEGnology and e-peas are building a strategic partnership, based on both their own unique competitive advantages. TEGnology builds energy harvesting based applications with e-peas’ energy managers and ultra-low-power microcontrollers. TEGnology can also offer state-of-the-art thermoelectric generation modules for e-peas high-demanding customers.

Photo: CEO Hao Yin, far right, during lunch with (left to right) e-peas’ Marketing Director Bruno DAMIEN and Chief Marketing Officer Christian Ferrier, the CEO Geoffroy Gosset is discussing results with Eric Bohnes on the screen.

Innovation Project Supported by Energy Cluster Denmark

In this issue, we would like to introduce you to our project DMIAS, under the scheme of “Fremme af innovation indenfor grøn energiteknologi (FIE)”. The project’s goal is to develop a product that contributes to energy savings during machine operation.

Optimizing energy consumption for machinery requires large volumes of sensor data. Unlike existing sensors, those sensors developed in the project will be autonomous, requiring no batteries, battery changes or power cables. This will make the service and installation inexpensive, minimize the interruption of the ongoing production, also bring predictive maintenance to a new level. These combined characteristics make the product appealing for industrial use.

The project was carried out in collaboration with Aarhus University and Alfa Laval. The planned activities ended in Dec., 2021. We are currently in the process of demonstrating and validating the product.

Picture: Hao presenting the final report together with Rafael Jeppesen from Aarhus University.

Team Members’ Corner, Sales Director, Jörg Rehder
Jörg was born and grew up near Hamburg in Northern Germany. He has always had a close connection to Scandinavia, spending camping and sailing vacations here, fascinated by the unique northern light and laid-back mentality of the region.

After a year studying in Sweden and finalizing his MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) studies in Germany, Jörg moved to Denmark in 1998 along with his at tha time girlfriend Meike, who later became his wife. They have two teenagers and two cats, and live in an old “murermestervilla”, an old villa, in Virum 15 km north of Copenhagen.

While the enthusiasm for sailing declined, he fulfilled his wish to own a boat by buying a family-sized canoe instead, which they often use on the lakes near Virum. The family still enjoys camping quite a lot, and spends their summer vacations in Scandinavia, as well as in Southern Europe. In Italy, Jörg’s passion for a Fiat 500 from the 1960s was triggered and evolved into a serious hobby. He also spends many weekends cruising around in the yellow Bubble car together with other fans, driving wedding couples or maintaining the shape and functionality of the car in his carport at home.

Photo: Private